
36347_526970445392_5831867_nLast year when I was having a particularly difficult time figuring out my life (read the full inspiration for this blog here), I turned to my “Aunties.” They are my mother and her friends;  strong, feisty, gentle, unabashedly wild and loving women, who raised their children together in our small island community.

I visited each “Auntie” at their home. We sat down together with a cup of tea, a voice recorder and a few guiding questions. The life stories and wisdom they shared with me illustrated their profound humanity, imperfections and gifts, coupled with an undying urge to live for a purpose bigger than themselves.

I created this blog to document and share these incredible conversations. These women are not prone to convention. Instead, they taught me that life is better when you focus on what is real and pithy in the present moment.  Therefore, I have purposely kept my editing very minimal, to better capture the unpolished beauty of the moment and each woman’s voice and story.

The “Aunties” have shaped history, raised children, developed careers, explored the outer edges of consciousness and washed the dishes, and they are not finished yet!

Each conversation will be told in a series of entries that focuses on one Auntie.

Just a note: I started this project when I was unemployed and looking for guidance in my life. Now my life is very full in the best of ways and while I am completely dedicated to continuing this amazing journey with my Aunties, the posts might be a little sporadic. I will post a new installment here as often as I can.

Thank you for reading!


3 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. I am so proud of you and of these women willing to reveal themselves so unselfishly. It is weird to be this old . . . . no one talks about anything of consequence making life so confusing. Blessings, Janet

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